Where to Play

If you have updates or additions please contact us at gmbv.site@gmail.com.


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= Organized by GMVB

The EDGE Sports & Fitness hosts two competitive adult indoor leagues, both each into three ~10 week sessions running October thru May. Number of teams is limited.

Contact vball@gmvb.com for more information.

Sand Quads

Competitive sand quads league the starts the first Thursday in June and runs through August.

Games are played at Williston Central School, Bayside Park (Colchester), and occasionally Airport Park (Colchester). Limited to 16 teams. Link to league rules.

Contact thelfrichvt@gmail.com for more information.

Coed Sand Sixes

Intermediate coed sand sixes league on Monday nights from mid-May through August. Games are primarily played at Moscow Recreation Park.

Visit the league website for more info.

Contact Havocthesixer@gmail.com for more information.

Game On VT offers several outdoor leagues geared toward intermediate, recreational, and social players, with programs for both adults and high school students. Play locations include Williston Community Park and the UVM Rugby Field.

Visit their volleyball page for additional info and registration.

Recreational adult coed indoor sixes league. Play is on Wednesdays (sometimes Mondays) across two sessions, Fall starting in September and Spring starting in January. Individuals are welcome to sign up and will be placed on a team.

For more information visit the program page or contact Tim at willistonvolleyball@gmail.com.

My Social Sports hosts social adult grass and indoor leagues in the Burlington area.

Visit their program page for additional info and registration (make sure to filter for the Burlington VT leagues).